Working Remotely: Everything you need to know about using VoIP for your business
July 15 2024

Working Remotely: Everything you need to know about using VoIP for your business.

In today’s rapidly evolving work environment, remote work has become more than just a trend, it’s a necessity for many businesses aiming to thrive in a digital world. Embracing this change means rethinking how we communicate and stay connected. One powerful tool making this transition seamless is Voice over Internet Protocol, also known as VoIP. In this guide, we’ll help you understand VoIP and how it is a workable solution to empower your workforce and enhance business communications.

If you're considering moving away from traditional landlines, this blog post covers everything you need to know about VoIP - from cost-effectiveness to advanced features, what it is, how it operates, and why you should consider Interexcel World Connection as your VoIP service provider.

Discover how VoIP can revolutionise your business operations in the era of remote work.

What Is VoIP?

If you haven’t heard the word ‘VoIP’ yet, it can sound particularly strange when pronounced. VoIP is an acronym for Voice over Internet Protocol, and a technical term related to telecommunications used in the IT or communication industries. VoIP is a phone system that uses your internet connection to make and receive calls, instead of the traditional landline phone system. In short, it is a phone system that uses the cloud.

How Does VoIP Work?

VoIP converts your voice into a digital signal that can travel over the Internet through small data packets, enabling you to make calls from a computer, a VoIP phone, or other data-driven devices.

Voice over Internet Protocol eliminates the need for traditional telephone companies, by using broadband internet like ADSL or fiber. It goes without saying that VoIP is a significant upgrade from analog phone systems.

Traditional desk phones need to connect to a PBX box, which routes calls to that specific device. The PBX box is typically located in your business’ server room. With VoIP phones, the phones connect directly to the internet and your VoIP service provider takes care of routing your calls.

How VoIP Works

There are two types of phones that will work on a cloud-based phone system, hard phones and soft phones. Hard phones are physical phones, similar to traditional desk phones, but they connect to the internet with an ethernet cable. Soft phones, or a software-based phone, works via an app that you can download from the App store, to your laptop, tablet or smartphone, making it possible to receive and make calls from your business number.

Advantages Of Switching To VoIP

  • Lower costs
    Landlines can be double the costs of VoIP systems. If you’re interested in switching from your PBX telephone system to a VoIP phone system, then contact Interexcel World Connection via the link provided.
  • Mobility
    VoIP uses the internet to make and receive calls. You can download an App to make and receive phone calls on your smartphone, tablet or laptop. This App will still allow you to stay connected even if the power or internet is out.
  • Reliability
    Landlines are prone to weather, power and wire cut outages. With VoIP, as long as you have reliable internet, the phones work, and if your internet is down, calls can be forwarded to cell phones, keeping you and your business connected.

Who is VoIP for?

Increasingly, businesses are choosing VoIP as their preferred communication solution, replacing the old POTS (Plain Old Telephone Systems). VoIP is perfect for startups and entrepreneurial ventures, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), large enterprises, customer support, service industries, remote workers and distributed teams.

Software-based VoIP PBX systems are perfect, because you only need a dedicated desktop computer to offer advanced features and similar functionality to larger, more traditional systems.

Some of VoIP’s advanced features includes, call forwarding, voicemail to email, video conferencing, call recording, and connecting to mobile apps on smartphones or tablets. This makes VoIP systems the most efficient telephony system in today’s modern communication environment.

Why Choose Interexcel World Connection as your VoIP Service Provider?

At Interexcel World Connection we do not charge a fee per extension or user. This means you save on these additional costs.

With a plethora of options, Interexcel World Connection can assist you in setting up your incoming calls to work exactly the way you want them to. Additionally, through our partnerships with voice-over artists, we can have professionally recorded voice prompts tailored specifically for your business.

Interexcel World Connection can enable international calls as part of your package, providing competitive rates compared to traditional phone carriers. We offer international calling either bundled in your service plans or through specific international calling packages. This ensures cost-effective communication globally for our users.

Finally, IEWC also offers Unlimited Call Currency, to allow all of your users to be on the phone simultaneously, ensuring that no one is left waiting for a line to open. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to handle high volumes of calls at peak times, allowing multiple team members to engage with clients or handle customer inquiries without any interruptions. By supporting simultaneous call handling, you can enhance your team's efficiency and improve overall customer satisfaction.

It's important to note that Unlimited Call Currency may have fair usage policies set by your VoIP provider, such as restrictions on excessive usage or specific terms regarding international calls. Always review the terms and conditions of your VoIP service plan to understand the scope of any unlimited calling offers.

In conclusion, VoIP is known for its cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and the ability to integrate with other digital communication tools.

Gone are the days when your workforce had to be tied to desks in a traditional office setting. As more companies embrace remote work flexibility, ensuring employees are reachable via company phone lines becomes crucial, especially when they're spread across different provinces or even the country.

Contact Interexcel World Connection to switch your old telephony system to a brand new, cost-effective, flexible and VoIP system today!

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